Ear Doctor Bloomfield Hills MI

Searching for an Ear Doctor in Bloomfield Hills Michigan?

The ears have the large responsibility of obtaining and communicating external auditory stimuli to your brain, which is one part of the process of hearing. Through the transmission of auditory stimuli to the brain, you can piece together the sounds of the world around you. The sound of waves crashing on the shoreline, the beat of your favorite song, and the whisper of the wind are some simple things we can enjoy because of hearing. Hearing is an important aspect of self-awareness, pleasure, and survival.

While it might not be your first thought when it comes to the ear’s responsibility, they are also pertinent to your sense of balance. Complications affecting the ears can be very troubling because not only can it influence your hearing, but also your sense of balance.

The Need for an Ear Doctor or ENT Specialist

ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists, or ear doctors, are trained to be familiar with disorders and common problems that can affect the ears. The small canals and passageways of the ears can be quite sensitive and can be easily damaged. Some of the common practices that can injury the ears are the following:

  • Ear candling
  • Rigorous cleaning of the ears using cotton buds
  • Listening to extremely loud music
  • Having your earphones on your ears all-day
  • Ignoring the early signs of hearing damage

Because of these habits and trends, a rise in common problems that involve the ears has been seen. Those problems can include:

  • Partial or full loss of hearing
  • Distortion of sounds
  • Noise intolerance
  • Pain in the ears
  • Tinnitus
  • Itchy ears
  • Ear infection
  • Foreign body inside the ear
  • Vertigo
  • Otosclerosis

Why You Should Consult an ENT Specialist or Ear Doctor

Even if the slightest amount of hearing damage is left untreated by a qualified ear doctor, it could later progress into a more serious condition. Ear conditions may be ignored because their symptoms are manageable, but as these problems go untreated some people will begin to retreat and avoid social activities out of embarrassment. Isolation of this form can lead to depression and anxiety.

It is beneficial to seek the help of an ENT specialist as symptoms become prominent.

Serious complications can arise if a persistent ear infection is left untreated, or not treated properly.

  • Hearing loss due to Eardrum puncture
  • Facial nerve paralysis
  • Hearing and Balance Testing
  • Meningitis
  • Inflammation of the bone adjacent to the ear and around the skull called Mastoiditis
  • Meniere’s disease in adults

Exceptional and Audiologists and Ear Doctor in Bloomfield Hills Michigan

The Center for Ear, Nose & Throat, P.C is your local center for expert and knowledgeable care from ENT specialists in Michigan. Our ear doctor in Bloomfield Hills Michigan will work to find the root of your ear problem by administering detailed tests to come up with a diagnosis. With a board-certified audiologist on staff, we have the resources to assist you with a wide range of audiology services and ensure we are providing you with the best results. Our ear doctor, an ENT specialist, has the necessary resources to diagnose and treat your ear condition.

When you need an experienced ear doctor in Michigan, contact the staff at The Center for Ear, Nose & Throat, P.C. With a staff comprised of excellent ENT specialists and ear doctors, we have the time and resources to diagnose and treat your condition with care and compassion.

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